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My Biography


My future!

Since a child I've always had a passion to write. It all began when I took a creative writing class in high school. Mr. G.E. Smith was my teacher and what an awesome teacher/person he was! 


One day, on my way to work, I drove through a heavy fog. Fog so thick you couldn't see the car in front of you. Then my mind started to wander. What if a road you knew by heart took you to another place? Another time? Slowly the story began to unfold in front of me. That night when I got home and having dinner with my family I told them of the story. Not all of it, mind you, but the basics. My husband, Roy, looked at me and said, "So write it." I looked at him like he was crazy and he said, "What's stopping you?"


Well, I did begin that story and it morphed into another story (Recycled Souls). Then another story sprang into my head (Merchants with Evil Intent) and then another sprang into my head (currently in the works).


I suspect that after I write the next two stories buzzing in my head I'll return to that original story idea because after all, it all started there.

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